
You & Choc House


Often when I produce content, it’s part of a wider campaign and it’s difficult to see what my individual impact is. One case where that was obvious was The Yogurt and Chocolate House. They were franchising and needed some new material to help sell themselves. I produced 2 videos and 2 brochures, massively cleaning up the text, shortening their message, making it both more accessible and also more honest about what people were signing up for.


I also created some eye catching videos about the challenges of franchising. The immediate impact was 3 sign ups from an initial email totalling £300k of sales.


After this, I worked with them on a January campaign with a “round the world tour” which saw several countries take up master franchising agreements, This generated significant revenue for the company which was more or less unknown up until then.

Yog & Choc were very much the frontrunners in the indulgence sector at the time but now face increased competition from a number of copycat businesses, eventually selling to become Creams.

Video Production

Creating both a presenter led video and also an animated video combining CGI backgrounds with 2D characters.


Alongside the videos, we also wrote and produced some complimentary material, going over the franchising process, and business concept.

Just a few


Presenter Video

Wrote, filmed and edited this video aimed at western countries.

Animated video

Interestingly we found that an animated video worked better when targeted arabic speaking countries.

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